

Technical posts on IT security

On how we can keep whispering the syscalls

On how we can keep whispering the syscalls

Disclaimer I started working on this post some time ago, and the new research/stuff was announced in between. I will not address SysWhispers3, very recent technique of Resolving SSN using Exception Directory and many others.

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OSINT with Docker

OSINT with Docker

Often, I find myself using the same tools on bare Windows, on WSL, on Kali VM, and on various remote shells. The installed version or configuration details vary, and I have to debug why things broke instead of simply running the intended tool.

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I’d like to share the details of CVE-2021-26415 (CVSSv3.0: 7.8) vulnerability that was patched on 2021-04-13. I found this bug somewhere around October 2020 and worked with Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative to report it to Microsoft.

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The gallery of HTTP headers

The gallery of HTTP headers

While learning Golang and working on some first experiments, I started a little side-project: a tool to download HTTP headers of most popular webpages. It would store them in a database, and do some analysis work.

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